Today the College Board released four new practice SATs—presumably the same four that will appear in the new official guide scheduled for release June 30th.
This is the format:
Section 1: Reading: 65 minutes, 52 questions
Section 2: Writing & Language: 35 minutes, 44 questions
Section 3: Math (No Calculator): 25 minutes, 20 questions
Section 4: Math (Calculator): 55 minutes, 38 questions
Total: 180 min, 154 questions
That’s about 70 seconds per question—a little more (8 seconds) than on the old test. As noted before, they’ve also removed the 1/4 point guessing penalty and the obscure vocabulary questions, so overall this should be a less-stressful test.
I’ll be back soon with more info. Right now I’ve got some work to do!